the Healing power of aroma
Each aroma is perfectly paired with a healing crystal to enhance the energy and intention of each unique candle. We chose each aroma with the intention of promoting a sense of relaxation, and grounding.
Green Tea + Lemongrass + Jasmine
This blend brings cooling effects and promotes the revival of both the mind and soul. Its aroma itself and the feeling on the palette help alleviate stress, fatigue, and anxiety. Both honeysuckle and jasmine are used for psychic awareness and focus, prophetic dreams, spirituality, and wealth. Jasmine is also used for love, and honeysuckle for healing.
Sage + Cypress
White Sage + Lavender
Burning lavender attracts positive energy, opens the heart chakra. When mixed with white sage the effects of purification, concentration and clarity of mind are further pronounced, and the results are stunning.
Palo santo + Sandalwood
Burning lavender attracts positive energy, opens the heart chakra. When mixed with white sage the effects of purification, concentration and clarity of mind are further pronounced, and the results are stunning.
Frankincense + Myrrh
Neroli + White Jasmine + Lavender
Jasmine primarily symbolizes love, peace, purity, strength, prosperity, compassion, feminine energy and spirituality. Neroli aids in building a protective aura or shield around the inner being. So often we feel psychically attacked by the outside world, and Neroli can protect us against the dark negative feelings that creep in. It shines a light, reduces inner emptiness and restores a sense of self. Lavender purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness. produce feelings of calm and relaxation